Sunday, July 11, 2010

Saturday at the Hut - 7/10/10

This blog post actually covers two week's worth at The Tobacco Hut. I meant to write one after last week's visit, but the long weekend just got away from me. On July 3rd, Joe was still recuperating from his kidney stone procedure, but Peter G and Ed B were in attendance, along with a Very Special Guest from the past. All the way from Coker Creek, Tennessee (think Ma & Pa Kettle but with indoor plumbing)...Mike G made an appearance along with one of his sons-in-law, Bob.

It was great seeing Mike and it was like old times with him telling stories peppered with, shall we say, colorful language. The tales he tells just wouldn't be the same without the %$*@, %#@$*, and +%&*@#. I had never met his son-in-law Bob who was a fascinating guy who's led an interesting life and he had some good stories to tell as well, minus the more colorful adjectives.

I smoked some more of the #05 from Bennington's in Sarasota in an Ascorti Pepino. The rusticated straight Pepino handled the English blend wonderfully, producing a nice, cool smoke.

This past Saturday saw an excellent and lively group at the Hut. First and foremost, Joe K was back, bigger and better than ever. He's feeling back to 100% after his surgery and, in his words, he's finally "peeing yellow" again. (Thank you Jesus!). As someone's who peed red Joe, I can relate to what a good feeling that is! He even got up and danced a little jig for us. Hmm...perhaps I liked it better when he wasn't feeling in tip-top shape.

Apparently Joe's son James is in town, but he didn't have the nerve to show up. According to Joe, he was off fishing or something. I think he's somehow intimidated of me. Knowing that I only have one kidney, he probably knows that my other organs are even stronger to compensate.

In addition to Joe, we had Preacher Jim C whom we hadn't seen in a long time, Peter G, Ed B, Steve B, as well as Tom L and his friend Frank. Tom brought some aged Opus-X cigars. He bought a supply of them from Lou 16 years ago and has been aging them ever since. Apparently they were very good, but I stuck with my pipe - the same #05 but this time in a Bjarne straight billiard. Tom made a half-hearted attempt at offering me one but I could tell he didn't want me to have one. I'm kidding, of course. Tom actually offered me the butt of one that he was finished with.

Ed B has a new career ready when he retires from the Sheriff's department in a few years: Pest Control. A monster palmetto bug (cockroach) escaped from the empty unit next to Lou's and was crawling along the wall. Ed took a big puff of his cigar and blew it on the 6" long bug (maybe I exaggerate slightly, but it was big). It staggered a little and after a few more puffs it fell behind a shelf. We never saw it again, so I presume that the high concentration of nicotine was just too much for it.

Apparently it was also time to switch the lenses out on the fluorescent light fixtures. Judging by how yellow the ones that were taken down were, I would say that is an operation that has never been attempted before. Peter looked like he had everything pretty well handled by the time I got there, and Tom was helping, plus Preacher Jim assisted at the end, so I sat back and puffed my pipe, mindful of the adage about too many cooks in the kitchen.

That's all for these two weeks. Until next Saturday...

 - Bob

P.S. A special shout-out to Vic. See, I do mention you in the blog! :-)

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